Paediatric Ophthalmology

Pediatric ophthalmology is a sub-specialty of ophthalmology concerned with eye diseases, visual development, and vision care in children. These include a spectrum of pediatric ocular conditions including:

  • Infections (conjunctivitis).
  • Strabismus or squint: is a misalignment of the eyes
  • Amblyopia (aka lazy eye): occurs when the vision of one eye is significantly better than the other eye, and the brain begins to rely on the better eye and ignore the weaker one
  • Blocked tear ducts.
  • Ptosis
  • Retinopathy of prematurity(ROP)
  • Nystagmus
  • Visual inattention
  • Pediatric cataracts
  • Pediatric glaucoma
  • Abnormal vision development.
  • Orbital tumours
  • Refractive errors such as myopia (near-sightedness) and astigmatism can often be corrected with prescriptions for glasses or contacts.
  • Accommodative insufficiency
  • Convergence insufficiency and asthenopia
  • Evaluation of visual issues in education, including dyslexia and attention deficit disorder.

We have dedicated professional to cater to these problems as well state of the art operation theatre with anaesthesia backup for various procedures.